Slimming World Update #2

If you've read my last update post (if not you can read it here) you will know last month was very much a bad month for me in terms of Slimming World, I gained some weight and it really made me feel bad about myself and I left the last post saying I was just attempting to get back on track in terms of Slimming World. Well the gain was something I definitely needed to make me realise how much I really do want to lose some weight and was a push in the right direction.

30th September
My second weigh in since my horrible gain (I'm still so annoyed with myself over this!) and I managed to lose 1lb. I'm happy with a loss of any size and just glad that I am getting back on tract/

7th October
I was really disappointed this week I maintained which I know is better than a gain but when I have maintained in the past I knew exactly why but I actually walked away baffled as to why I had lost nothing. I'm more active now walking to and from university four days a week and not eating anything really bad still staying within my daily allowance of syns so I walked away so annoyed. I really contemplated just giving up completely and walking away from Slimming World but realising how far I've come I now I have to just continue and be determined to stick to plan 100%.

14th October
This week I lost a 1lb. I went back to basics, weighing everything out, and I mean everything. I started measuring out my daily milk allowance and could instantly see I was going over a lot every day so I think thats why my weight loss has been very slow since I've been back at university. I've also been eating so much veg and fruit. I feel really motivated this week and I think it has something to do with the fact I bought a size 10 pair of skinny jeans! I haven't fitted into a size 10 in probably 4 or  5 years maybe even longer so that was just so satisfying and made me feel like I can do this and I know what I need to do to get to where I want to be.

21st October
This week I maintained but knew why instantly. I had good intentions to be really really good however, life got in the way. It was two of my flatmates birthdays in space of four days. On Saturday I worked all day, then went out, despite not wanting to drink much three tequilas and way too many vodka and diet cokes later I realised I had blown it for the week. To make matters worse we came in at 3am and being hungry demolished half of my flatmates, Sophie's, birthday cake. It was a good night. I did try to make up for it though, we went out for cooked breakfast on the Sunday and I had the egg, cut the fat off the bacon and ate baked beans and I've been eating bowls of veg basically ever since Sunday afternoon. I was praying that all of my good work wasn't undone by the weekend

This month has been a roller coaster there's no doubt about that but I am still getting he swing of balancing slimming world with student life which I didn't have to worry about over the summer. I'm going home for a week and with mum doing Slimming World as well I think she's going to really motivate me to do well. I'm 2lb away from my Club 10 (if you don't know that basically means I've lost 10% of my original body weight) and I really want to get that next week! Enough of this maintaining malarky now time for some actual weight loss to occur!

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