Wishlist - DVDs

I currently am really motivated to be doing wishlists (so expect to see a lot from me in the next couple of weeks!) and seeing as I have an Amazon wishlist with 77 DVDs on it alone I thought I'd share a few of my DVD lusts with you all. The DVDs people watch I personally think gives a real insight into their personality and normally a side not everyone gets to see in their day to day life. Okay, so enough ramblings...

1 Play £9.99 - 2 Amazon £3 - 3 Amazon £4.25 - 4 Amazon £4 - 5 Amazon £3.72 - 6 Amazon £45.37 - 7 Amazon £3 - 8  Play £4.58

There's a whole range of different movie genres up there...and I've seen all of them and more (obviously) and my wishlist has decreased significantly as recently I have been just popping the odd DVD into my Amazon basket so have collected rather a lot of new DVDs over the past couple of months. I'm expecting to do a collective DVD haul in the near future after another new purchase arrives (naughty I know). I've also got a book wishlist planned to be posted within the next few weeks alongside a collective book haul to go with my lifestyle side of my blog. Don't worry there are many beauty related posts scheduled to go up also!

So until then, bye for now...

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